Our professionals
In Bespoke, we have a team of more than 100 high-level
professionals specialized in each of our areas of interest.
Esther Martín
Esther has more than 20 years of experience in the Financial Markets, especially in Equity markets, holding positions of responsibility in corporations such as Banco Cooperativo Español, Ahorro Corporación, Dexia Equities Spain and Intermoney Valores. She was head of international sales and then later, head of research at Intermoney Valores. She specialized in construction companies, concessions companies and mid & small caps companies in the diversified industrials sector.
Esther is currently working as Director of Corporate Finance at Bibium Capital, a consulting financial services firm with corporate Tier I clients, She advises clients on their economic, business and financial future strategies. Esther holds a degree in Economics and a Doctorate in Finance from the UAM. She has taught at prestigious Universities and Business Schools.

Esther Martín
Fernando Martín
Fernando es licenciado en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Master por el Instituto de Empresa, graduado en Alta Dirección (PADE) por el Instituto de Estudios Superiores de la Empresa (IESE). Ha realizado estudios sobre el entorno económico y educación y tecnología en la Universidad de Harvard y ha sido miembro del Comité de Expertos del Parlamento Europeo en Sistemas de Pago Internacionales.
Ha desempeñado puestos de responsabilidad en distintas entidades financieras, en áreas de negocio, estrategia, finanzas, riesgos e inversiones.
En la actualidad es senior advisor en banca de inversión, miembro del consejo de administración de JB Capital Markets, Consejero independiente de Sociedad de Tasación. S.A.
Es profesor universitario en reputadas Instituciones Académicas, profesor titular y ponente habitual en programas de formación de directivos en materia de Estrategia, Negociación, Finanzas, Fusiones y Adquisiciones, Gestión Comercial y Habilidades Directivas.

Fernando Martín
Víctor Gago
Victor is a Financial and Wealth Advisor at AXA Exlclusiv. He gained extensive experience in Financial Markets at CM Capital and INE. He was responsible for Derivatives and International Markets at Mercados y Gestión de Valores S.A. and he was responsible for the Capital Market Department at Banco Madrid.
He holds a degree in Economics and Business Administration with a specialty in Quantitative Methods from the UAM, a Master in Portfolio Management from IE and has the EFA Accreditation from EFPA. He combines his professional activity with teaching in quantitative methods.

Víctor Gago
Rafael Hurtado
Director de inversiones (CIO) de Allianz Popular Asset Management (Grupo Allianz). Tiene bajo su responsabilidad la gestión de fondos de inversión y planes de pensiones con activos totales gestionados superiores a 15 mil millones de euros. Su equipo está compuesto por 20 gestores especializados que cubren diferentes clases de activos (renta fija, renta variable, derivados, etc.).
Rafael se unió a Popular Gestión (Grupo Banco Popular) en 1998. Antes de su cargo como CIO, fue Jefe de Multimanagement en el Grupo Banco Popular, siendo responsable de las inversiones en productos de terceros, incluidos los fondos tradicionales (renta variable y renta fija) e inversiones alternativas (materias primas, hedge funds, capital riesgo).
Doctor en Economía por la Universidad San Pablo-CEU, Executive MBA, IESE, España, Licenciado en Economía por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y Licenciado en Administración de Empresas por la Universidad de San Pablo-CEU

Rafael Hurtado
Francisco Javier Fernández
Francisco Javier tiene más de 23 años de experiencia en los Mercados Financieros. Ha desarrollado su carrera profesional en BBVA donde comenzó como Trader de Tipos de Interés y ha llegado a ocupar la Dirección Global de FX y actualmente es el Managing Director y Global FX Product Manager - Chief Operating Officer (COO).
Es Licenciado en Administración de Empresas por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, donde ha desarrollado también sus estudios de Doctorado en itnercambio con la Unviersidad Católica de Lovaina en Bélgica. Cuenta además con un MBA en el IESE de la Universidad de Navarra y el Certificado IASE de Financiación Sostenible.
Ha sido profesor de reputadas escuelas de negocio y colabora de forma voluntaria con instituciones de carácter social.

Francisco Javier Fernández
Emilio Linares
Emilio has over 30 years of profession experience in the area of accounting and financial reporting. He has worked for a multinational energy company and was responsible for the internal audit, economic and accounting administration, accounting regulations, internal control and financial economic reporting to national and international regulatory bodies. In 2005, he led IFRS projects and he has implemented the new Internal Control System for the preparation of Financial Information (SCIIF) for listed groups on the stock exchange. He has also been a director in different companies.
Emilio has a Degree in Business Administration from the Complutense University of Madrid and is graduate of the Programa de Desarrollo Directivo (PDD) at the IESE Business School. Emilio also has experience as a guest lecturer in the field of accounting, internal control and financial economic reporting at several prestigious business schools.

Emilio Linares
Aitor Elustondo
Aitor worked for Banco Santander as the Global Responsible for Syndicated Loans, Insurance and Distribution. He has also worked for BBVA and Savia Financing. During his professional career, he has managed large loan books (€750 million) and bond portfolios (€300 million). He has gained extensive experience in major debt restructurings during the financial crisis. He was also an advisor to the LMA (Loan Markets Association) for 9 years.
Aitor has a Degree in Economics and Business Administration from the Universidad del País Vasco and has a Master in Financial Markets from the Universidad CEU San Pablo, Madrid. He has extensive experience coordinating academic programs and has been providing financial training for 15 years. He is a Coach for the EEC and a volunteer with Africa Directo.

Aitor Elustondo
Antonio Uguina
Licenciado en Derecho y en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales por la Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, (Madrid).
Actualmente desempeña el cargo de Director de Riesgos de España que incluye tanto actividades minoristas como mayoristas. Asimismo es responsable del área de recuperaciones.
Su trayectoria profesional se inicia en el Continental Illinois Bank, si bien la mayor parte de la misma se ha desarrollado dentro del Grupo BBVA asumiendo distintas responsabilidades, entre otras : Director de Mercado de Capitales, Presidente Ejecutivo de BBVA Puerto Rico, Director de Banca Corporativa España y Portugal y Director de Banca de Empresas y Corporaciones España y Portugal.
Entre otras actividades profesionales destaca como colaborador en la Universidad Pontificia de Comillas impartiendo a lo largo del tiempo distintos cursos como “Fuentes de Financiación”, “Análisis Financiero” y actualmente “Financial Markets”.

Antonio Uguina
Roberto Savina
Roberto has more than 20 years of experience in the financial sector. He has different executive positions and responsibilities in the areas of Treasury and Risk Management at Intesa Sanpaolo, AIS Financial Decisions, CaixaBank Consumer Finance, G.E. Insurance, Genworth Mortgage Insurance and he is currently working at AmTrust Financial.
Roberto holds a degree in Applied Mathematics from the University of Turin, completed the Advanced Program in Risk Management at CEU Business School and has the FRM®certification. As a teacher, he has designed and taught training at Deusto BS, IEB, CEU, Univ. Alcalá (Spain), SAA, ABI Formazione (Italy) and LBFS (United Kingdom). He is the Director of the Spanish Chapter of GARP (Global Association of Risk Professionals).

Roberto Savina
Carlos Corcóstegui
Carlos has more than 20 years of professional experience in banking and finance. Carlos has a degree in Economics and Business from the University of Deusto.
Cuenta con la certificación de FRM por la entidad de GARP.
He began his professional career at Telefónica and the Bank of Spain. He gained international experience as a Supervisor in the Committee of European Banks in London.
For more than 10 years, he has been working at BBVA in charge of the “Capital Operations Strategy” at Global ALM.

Carlos Corcóstegui
Paul Moran
Paul has had long career in the field of Macroeconomics, Monetary policy and higher education, he has worked in organizations such as Salomon Brothers in London, PwC in Paris and the European Commission in Brussels. He has been the director in Madrid of Syracuse University and is currently the Director of the Center for European Union Studies (CEUS).
He holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Economics from Trinity College, Dublin and MBS from Smurfit Business School, UCD, Dublin. He has a Ph.D. in European Economics from the Complutense University of Madrid.
He has combined his professional career with his teaching in Economics at prestigious academic institutions.

Paul Moran
Fernando Lacadena
Fernando is a highly esteemed executive with more than 39 years of financial experience at large multinational corporations. He is started his professional career at the audit firm, Arthur Andersen and he became the financial director of Dragados Servicios y Concesiones (ACS Group) for 10 years. He then moved to become the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at Sacyr for 7 years before becoming the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at Testa. He is currently the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Merlin Properties.
Fernando has a degree in Economics and Business Administration and a Law Degree from ICADE (Specialty E-3) in Madrid and he is a guest lecturer at several prestigious business schools.

Fernando Lacadena
Luigi Lubelli
Luigi cuenta con una dilatada carrera en el sector Financiero Internacional, donde ha formado parte de la Alta Dirección de instituciones como Grupo Generali en Trieste o AllfundsBanc en Madrid, donde ocupó el cargo de CFO en ambos casos, o Mapfre en Madrid, donde además de CRO fue Director General Adjunto y Responsable de la Relación con Inversores. Anteriormente fue Vicepresidente de Crédito y Rating en Morgan Stanley y Vicepresidente de Rating en CITI, en Londres, y en Banco Exterior de España en Nueva York, donde comenzó su carrera profesional en 1992. Actualmente está dedicado a la formación y la consultoría en el Sector Financiero.
Luigi es Licenciado en Economía por la Universidad Comercial Luigi Bocconi en Italia, cuenta con la Certificación FRM de GARP y la Certificación de Gestión de Riesgos de Entidades Aseguradoras GREA. Adicionalmente cuenta con publicaciones especializadas en materia de Solvencia II para el negocio Asegurador.

Luigi Lubelli
Itziar Letamendi
Itziar gained more than 18 years of experience in credit, financing and banking at PwC, BBVA and Santander. She is currently Managing Director at Banco Santander where she is responsible for debt financing products in Continental Europe, including Bonds, Syndicated Loans, Acquisition Finance and Structured Finance. She has very strong analytical skills, proactive, creative, with a proven ability to coordinate international teams and manage complex situations. She is also a Member of the Board of Directors of the Loan Market Association (LMA).
She has a degree in Business Administration, Industry and Logistics from the University of Deusto and Mannheim with post-graduate studies in Investment Banking. She also lectures on finance and she has several publications.

Itziar Letamendi
Francisco «Patxi» Barceló
Francisco es licenciado en Derecho y en Empresariales con Especialidad en Dirección Financiera (E·) de ICADE de La Universidad de Comillas, es PDD del IESE de la Universidad de Navarra y en la actualidad cursa el grado de Psicología en la UNED.
Cuenta con más de 26 años de experiencia en el sector financiero. Ha desarrollado su carrera profesional especialmente en el Grupo Banco Santander, donde ha llegado a ocupar cargos de responsabilidad en las áreas de Riesgos y en los últimos años como Director de metodologías y Big Data. En la actualidad preside el Consejo de Innovación y Buen Gobierno y compagina su actividad profesional con la docencia y la consultoría especialmente en proyectos de innovación relacionados con la gestión del Big Data.
Desde el punto de vista docente, Francisco tiene experiencia impartiendo clases en el diversas escuelas de negocio de prestigio, y ha participado en programas de formación a medida especializados.

Francisco «Patxi» Barceló
Alfonso Ayuso
Alfonso Ayuso es Ingeniero Aeronáutico por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y Master en Administración de Empresas por el Instituto de Empresa. Asimismo está certificado como coach en organizaciones Exponenciales por OpenExo y en Buen Gobierno Corporativo por el IC-A.
Lleva desarrollando su actividad docente en innovación y mercados financieros desde 2004 en distintos centros de prestigio, como el propio ICADE o el IEB.
Tiene una extensa trayectoria profesional en servicios financieros en las áreas de innovación, banca privada, mercados de capitales o regulación habiendo trabajado en entidades como Banco Santander o Banco Sabadell en múltiples posiciones directivas. En la actualidad actúa como Senior Advisor en innovación y nuevos modelos de negocio financieros.

Alfonso Ayuso
Desiree Gemar
Desiree hace parte del equipo de Fidentiis Gestión como directora de Relación con Inversores, profesional con más de 25 años de experiencia en el sector financiero.
Empezó su carrera profesional en el área de mercado de capitales como sales director en BBVA y, posteriormente, en Crédit Agricole. Entre el año 2000 y el 2008, formó parte del equipo de Fidelity International como directora del canal de distribución y, más tarde, del canal institucional. Ha trabajado en banca privada entre el 2009 y el 2011 en Banco Madrid y en Planificación Financiera en el sector asegurador en firmas como Everis, CNP Partners y NN Life Luxemburgo (Grupo Nationale Nederlanden).
Desirée es licenciada en Derecho por la Universidad CEU San Pablo y Master en Bolsa y Mercados Financieros por el IEB.

Desiree Gemar
Antonio Pulido Martínez
Socio director de DFSC
Más de 25 años de experiencia liderando unidades globales de Análisis y Research en Banca de Inversiones.
Ha trabajado en instituciones como FG, Santander, CHASE o BBVA.
Profesor de Bespoke School of Finance en economía y sector agroalimentario.
Áreas de Experiencia: Mercados financieros, análisis macroeconómico, análisis sector agroalimentario y estrategias de inversión.

Antonio Pulido Martínez
Borja Zamorano
Borja Zamorano is an investment banker with over 25 years of professional experience international capital markets. He has worked for many important financial institutions including BBVA and ABN AMRO. Borja is currently the capital market’s Managing Director at Mizuho in the EMEA area.
Professor Zamorano has a Degree in Law and Economic and Business Sciences (E-3) from ICADE and Master in Portfolio Management from Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles (IEB). Professor Zamorano extensive academic experience in ICADE, IEB and the University of Navarra. Borja is the coordinator of the Financial Markets area of Bespoke School of Finance and the coauthor of the “Manual of Corporate Finance and Investment Banking” edited by Delta Publications. He is also Member of the Financial Forum of the Chamber of Commerce of London and the founding partner of Humanitas and of First Class Learning Spain.

Borja Zamorano
Caridad Molina
Caridad Molina, Fundadora y Gerente General de LimaLaw Consulting. Auditor jefe Compliance y especialista en Sistemas de Gestión Anti-soborno en base a la ISO 37001. Más de diez años de experiencia profesional en Compliance, tributación internacional y aspectos regulatorios. Máster en Asesoría Jurídica Empresarial (LL.M.) por el IE Law School. Docente en numerosas escuelas de negocios y universidades.

Caridad Molina
Javier Ruiz
Senior executive with more than 15 years of experience in managing organizations and teams, accustomed to work for objectives, with extensive experience in the financial field and in corporate governance and institutional relations.
More than 10 years of experience teaching management and finance in business schools and in-company programs.

Javier Ruiz
José Antonio Gil
José Antonio has more than 25 years of experience in Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions, Private Equity Investments, Corporate Development. He has worked in positions of responsibility at Alpha Corporate (Deloitte Corporate Finance), M & A International Inc, and Ahorro Corporación. He is currently working for VibeCapital and give financial and strategic advice to its clients.
He holds a degree in Business Administration (BBA) with a specialty in Finance from the Haworth College of Business at Western Michigan University. He also has an MBA from IESIDE and has a specialization in Corporate Finance from IE.

José Antonio Gil
David Martín
David cuenta con más de 12 años de experiencia en el sector financiero, con diferentes responsabilidades en las áreas de Gestión de Riesgos, Planificación Financiera y Banca de Inversión en BBVA.
David es Ingeniero Industrial por la ETSI-ICAI (Universidad Pontificia de Comillas), tiene estudios de Economía. Máster en Finanzas Cuantitativas por AFI y tiene la certificación FRM® que otorga GARP (Global Association of Risk Professionals).
Como docente, ha diseñado e impartido formación financiera en instituciones como IEB, CIFF y Universidad de Alcalá.

David Martín
Carlos Garachana
Carlos cuenta con más de 30 años de experiencia en el negocio bancario, fundamentalmente en la gestión de los riesgos en cualquiera de sus ciclos (admisión, gestión y recuperación) y en todos los niveles (sucursal, territorial, nacional y corporación). Inició su actividad profesional en Banco Guipuzcoano y luego desde 1994 desarrolló su carrera en Banco Santander hasta 2020, donde llegó a ocupar cargos de responsabilidad en el área de Riesgos, como la Dirección de Recuperaciones, posición que desempeñó en los últimos 8 años. Ha liderado múltiples equipos y ha tenido una posición de relevancia en la integración de Banif, Banesto y Banco Popular.
Carlos es Licenciado en Empresariales por CUNEF y Master en Finanzas por la Universidad de Deusto. Ha sido ponente y profesor en diferentes instituciones académicas.

Carlos Garachana
Rosa Gual
Rosa graduated in Law from the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona. She did a postgraduate course on Companies in Crisis (prevention, restructuring, and bankruptcy) at IDEC-Pompeu Fabra University.
She specializes in advising companies on bankruptcy proceedings. She has represented both the interests of the debtors and the professional creditors. She participated in the most relevant cases and processes in recent years in the sector. She also participates in numerous business and financial restructuring processes, and regularly advises national and international clients on sales or acquisition of business units, assets and debt owned by companies in a situation of business and debt crisis.
She is also a professor at reputed business schools in the field of restructuring and recovery.

Rosa Gual
Tomás Núñez
Tomás has more than 20 years of experience working as a Chief Restructuring Officer (CRO), Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and as a consultant for various leading venture capital and private equity firms. He has advised many leading multinationals and important medium and small sized companies on how to improve their business strategies and reduce their structural costs in Spain, France, Portugal, Colombia and the United Kingdom. Tomás has worked in many industries including, Automotive, Food, FMCG, Telecom, Agriculture, Pharmaceutical, Banking, Information Technology and Aerospace industries.
Tomás is an Industrial Engineer from the University of Valladolid and he has an MBA from The Anderson School at UCLA in Los Angeles, California. Tomas also has been a guest lecturer in the field of strategy, finance and business administration at several prestigious business schools for over 20 years.

Tomás Núñez
Itziar Gómez
Itziar has more than 17 years of experience in the Banking sector and 15 in the field of Capital Markets, Fixed Income, Origination and Syndication, Credit Analysis and Portfolio Management. She has worked in both in the private corporations in the public sector. She has worked for ICO, Caja España, Banesto, and the European Bank of Finance. She is currently the Director for debt solutions at Ahorro Corporación.
She has Ph.D. in Economics and Finance from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas. She combines her professional activities with financial training at ICADE and the ICADE Graduate Business School in the area of financial markets, portfolio management and international finance.

Itziar Gómez
Rodrigo Cuellar
Rodrigo is an expert in corporate training programs. Rodrigo began his career in the banking sector and later as Director of the Corporate Training Center of ChevronTexaco. During 7 years at Institute of Stock Market Studies (IEB), he led the leadership team for customized corporate training. He provided innovative training solutions to clients such as Banco Santander, BBVA, Repsol, Ferrovial, Banc Sabadell, El Tesoro, CNMV, CaixaBank, PwC, EY, Accenture, Everis, Nfoque, Mapfre, Generali, Indra, Société Générale, among others.
Rodrigo holds a Law Degree from the Universidad de Los Andes and a Master's Degree in Business Management and Administration with a specialization in Finance from the Institute of Stock Market Studies (IEB).

Rodrigo Cuellar
Gonzalo Ávila
Gonzalo has nearly 20 years of experience in Corporate Finance and Investment Banking. He has held management responsibilities at Accenture, Sacyr, Ahorro Corporación, KPMG and Ferrovial, in the field of investment and corporate and project financing. He is currently the Managing Director of Bibium Capital Partners.
Gonzalo has an economics degree from the UAM, an Executive MBA from IE, a Master in Corporate Finance and Investment Banking from the IEB, and a Master's Degree in Management and Financing of Infrastructures and Public Services from the College of Civil Engineers and the UPM. He has extensive teaching experience teaching finance at universities and business schools of reference.

Gonzalo Ávila
María Martín

María Martín
Aitor Lizarralde
Aitor has had a long career advising companies in the area of Corporate Finance and Strategic Consulting. He has worked in the both in banking and corporate consulting. He has developed his professional career in positions of responsibility in CaixaBank, Montfort Producciones, Videntia and Norgestión. He is currently a Managing Director of Contenidos y Projectos Isliz.
He holds a degree in Business Administration from the University of Deusto and an Executive MBA from the Instituto de Empresa. He has combined his professional activity with teaching in schools of recognized prestige such as IE, IEB, EAE or CEF.

Aitor Lizarralde
Julián Romero
Julián Romero es actualmente Presidente del Observatorio español de la Financiación Sostenible. Su carrera se ha desarrollado a través de diferentes entidades y diferentes actividades de banca de inversión.Tras su paso por las áreas de banca de inversión de Dresdner Bank, y Banco Exterior de España se incorpora al área de Trading en BBVA. En 2005, se convierte en responsable para Europa de Sindicación de bonos. En 2017, crea el grupo de Bonos Sostenibles en dicho Banco. Testigo del nacimiento y evolución de los mercados de bonos verdes, ha sido el representante de su entidad en los Green Bond Principles desde 2014.
Es licenciado en Ciencias Económicas por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Posee un master en Banca Responsable por el IEB y un curso en Desarrollo Sostenible por la Universidad de Columbia.

Julián Romero
Raquel Blázquez
Coach organizacional, ejecutivo y de equipos certificada por International Coach Federation con más de 1000 horas de experiencia. Formadora en habilidades de liderazgo, desarrollo de equipos y experta transformación cultural. Forma parte de la red del Barrett Values Centre, y es Socia fundadora de Hazquepase, dedicada a acompañar líderes y organizaciones para desarrollar todo su potencial.
Licenciada en Arquitectura por la UPC y diplomada en Restauración de Arte por la ESCRBCC, está certificada en Coaching Co-Activo, CTI (California), Coaching Sistémico, Escuela Metasysteme Alain Cardon (Francia), Equipos Sólidos y Resilientes, SysT Institute (Munich), Licensed Practitioner of NLP, The Society of NLP, Certificada DISC en Comportamiento Humano, Certificada en Management 3.0 y formadora del programa MBSR Mindfulness (Massachusetts)

Raquel Blázquez
Carlos Fernández
Manuel is the Senior Manager of Data Science projects in Grant Thornton Spain. Portfolio & Program Manager for a large backlog of projects for BIM implementation and Business Intelligence, Big Data and Machine Learning applications on the Construction Sector. He previously held positions of responsibility in the management and control of the business in OHL Construction and FCC, where he began his career as a PMP.
He is a Civil Engineering Engineer with Specialization in Structures and Numerical Calculation from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. It has the PMP Certification of the Project Management Institute. He combines his professional activity with specialized training in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence.